The Georgian House


Georgian House Library with actor

The library is furnished with a desk, which was from a lawyer’s office in another Georgian property in Bristol.
This picture of the library shows an actor playing the role of John Pinney. He is wearing the long coat, waistcoat, white stockings and breeches, which were fashionable in the 1790s. He wears a white cravat or stock around his neck. He would probably have worn a powdered wig when he went out.

John Pinney hoped that his two eldest sons would follow him into the family business. However this was not to be and it was Charles, his youngest son, who continued to run the House of Pinney.

In the 18th century, many wealthy businessmen in and around Bristol had connections with the Caribbean or African trades. Some like John Pinney, owned plantations, others produced goods for trade. Slave labour was an important factor in this trade. Many businessmen, including John Pinney, supported the use of slaves. They opposed the growing campaign to end the taking of slaves from Africa. It was not until 1807 that this was made illegal.

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