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The fluted shape of this dish was made by blowing the glass into a mould. The rim of the dish was cut into shape with a wheel.
Glass, wheel-cut Height: 3.5 cm, diameter: 18.4 cm
Chinese Description:
茶碟 中国,清朝,约1800-1900 这有凹槽的茶碟先将玻璃置于模具内吹制,再以研磨台等工具修饰边缘。 玻璃,轮刻Creator: Unknown
Date: 1800-1900, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4609
Glass rod

We are not sure about the original use of this object. It was probably found in a burial and may be a personal items, possibly part of a hair-pin.
Width: 1.1 cm, length: 4.0 cm, rod diameter: 0.9 cm
Chinese Description:
玻璃棒 中国,汉代(公元前206-公元220) 现时已无法查究这些玻璃棒的用途,或许它们属于随葬物品的组件之一,如发朁等私人的一部份。 玻璃Creator: Unknown
Date: Han dynasty (206BC-220AD)
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4812C

On one side of this snuff bottle is the God of Long Life holding a branch of peaches, on the other side is a monkey. The monkey may be the Monkey King from the famous Chinese novel ‘Journey to the West’ in which he accompanies the monk Xuanzang on a pilgrimage to India.
Glass, carved in relief
Height: 11.0 cm, diameter: 9.7 cm, neck diameter: 2.9 cm
Chinese Description:
鼻烟壶 中国,清朝,约1800-1900 这鼻烟壶的一面绘画了拿着桃枝的寿星,另一面则以猴子入画。这猴子可能是着名小说《西游记》中的美护送唐玄藏赴印度取经的美猴王。 玻璃、浮雕Creator: Unknown
Date: 1800-1900, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4656

This scrap of glass may be a work in progress. It looks as if the craftsman chipped away at the block of glass to shape a small figure, possibly a four-legged animal. It is rare for such a piece to survive because normally scrap glass would be broken up, heated and reused.
Height: 1.8 cm, length: 2.0 cm, depth: 1.0 cm
Chinese Description:
玻璃碎片 可能来自中国,年代不详 这些碎片可能是制作玻璃器物的原材。它像从大块玻璃原材削下来,以琢磨成四足走兽之类的细小塑像。玻玻废料多被打碎,重置于熔炉再用。这碎片得以保存,实属罕见。 玻璃Creator: Unknown
Date: China, date uncertain
Copyright: Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery
Object ID:N4792
One of a pair of water-pots

This water-pot for calligraphy is carved with entwined dragons. In the past people believed that dragons slept underwater in winter and reappeared in the spring to create rain.
Glass, carved overlay
Height: 3.8 cm, diameter: 5.2 cm, neck diameter: 3.4 cm
One of pair with N4660
Chinese Description:
水注一对 中国,清朝,约1700-1800 这书法用的水注雕刻了盘龙。过去人们认为龙于冬天潜藏水底,至春天又復出来呼风唤雨。Creator: Unknown
Date: China, 1700-1800, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4661
One of a pair of water-pots

This water-pot for calligraphy is carved with entwined dragons. In the past people believed that dragons slept underwater in winter and reappeared in the spring to create rain.
Glass, carved overlay
Height: 3.8 cm, diameter: 5.2 cm, neck diameter: 3.5 cm
One of a pair with N4661
Chinese Description:
水注一对 中国,清朝,约1700-1800 这书法用的水注雕刻了盘龙。过去人们认为龙于冬天潜藏水底,至春天又復出来呼风唤雨。Creator: Unknown
Date: China, 1700-1800, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4660

This pomegranate-shaped bottle may have been used for snuff.� It is carved with bats, peaches, pomegranates and Buddha’s-hand citrons. Bats symbolise good fortune as the Chinese word for bat (fu) sounds the same as the word for happiness. Peaches, pomegranates and Buddha’s hand citrons are known as the ‘three fortunate fruits’ and together symbolise the wish for happiness, long life and many children.
Glass, carved in relief
Height: 8.0 cm, width: 6.7 cm, depth: 5.4 cm, neck diameter: 2.7 cm
Chinese Description:
宝月瓶 中国,清朝,约1800-1900 这石榴形状的宝月瓶可能用作鼻烟壶。它刻有被称为「三多」的桃、石榴和佛手香椽,寓意「多福、多寿、多男子」,而蝙蝠则代表福乐。 玻璃、浮雕Creator: Unknown
Date: 1800-1900, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4638
Incense burner

This incense burner is shaped like an ancient bronze vessel and has animal head handles. As early as the Song dynasty (960 -1279) educated people took a great interest in the past, collecting bronzes and other ancient objects. From then on the shapes and decoration of bronzes influenced the design of many other objects.
Glass, carved
Height: 8.1 cm, diameter: 14.0 cm, neck diameter: 11.0 cm
Chinese Description:
香炉 中国,清朝或民国年间,约1800-1950 这香炉以兽首雕刻为炉柄,形制有如古代的青铜器。船早在宋朝时(960-1279),士人对过去文物尤感兴趣,收藏青铜等各式古代器物。自此青铜具的形制及纹饰影响其他工艺品的设计。 玻璃、雕刻Creator: Unknown
Date: 1800-1950
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4555
Huqqah base with monster mask

The design of birds forms a monster mask (taotie), like mask designs seen on ancient bronzes. The huqqah base is a form that originated in the Middle East. It was probably made for the Chinese court as a glamorous, foreign-inspired object.In the Middle East, a�huqqah is a pipe used for smoking, with a water container (called a huqqah base) and a long flexible pipe.
Glass, mould-blown with incised decoration filled with gold
Height: 18.9 cm, diameter: 17.0 cm, neck diameter: 9.1 cm
Four-character seal-script mark of Qianlong reign (1736-1795) in a single square, inlaid with gold
Chinese Description:
饕餮纹饰水烟壶 中国,清乾隆朝 (1736-1795) 水烟壶的形制来自中东地区,而这器物的鸟形刻纹却又显见取材于青铜器的饕餮纹饰。这件宫廷用品揉合了外来的设计灵感与古代工艺文化,可算是内廷玻璃厂别树一格的珍品。 玻璃,有模吹制,缕刻镶金 款识镶金,双方框内刻有「乾隆年制」四字Creator: Unknown
Date: Qianlong reign period (1736-1795)
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4543
Altar candlestick

This candlestick was part of a set of items to use on an altar. It would have been accompanied by another candlestick, possibly an incense burner and a pair of vases. The sections of different coloured glass were made separately, put together on a wooden post and glued together.
Height: 26.9 cm, diameter: 12.5 cm
Chinese Description:
祭坛烛台 中国,十八至十九世纪 一组祭器包括一对烛台,一对花瓶及一尊香炉。这只烛台仅属其一。其制造方法繁复,先制作不同顏色的玻璃零件,再将各部份组合于木台上。 玻璃Creator: Unknown
Date: 1700-1800, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4745