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Altar vessel

Altar vessels like this were in demand in the imperial palace in Beijing to place before Buddhist altars. They would have been piled with offerings such as fruit. Each of the three glass sections was made separately then they were joined together with a wooden dowel and glue.
Height: 12.9 cm, diameter: 15.5 cm, base diameter: 10.8 cm
Four-character mark of Qianlong reign (1736-1795)
Chinese Description:
三件式祭器 中国,清乾隆朝 (1736-1795) 北京玻璃厂制造了不少这类祭器,以俾朝廷用以安放于佛教祭坛上。这祭器形制精巧,先制作配件,再用木榫及胶浆组合而成。 刻有「乾隆年制」四字 玻璃Creator: Unknown
Date: Qianlong reign period (1736-1795)
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4574, N4575
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