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Snuff bottle yellow

The dragons on this 18th century snuff bottle are carved in a style found on objects from ancient China. When the bottle was made, studying ancient objects was a fashionable hobby for educated people in the Chinese court.
Glass, carved in relief
Height with lid: 9.5 cm, height without lid: 9.0 cm, diameter: 7.3 cm, neck diameter: 5.0 cm
Chinese Description:
鼻烟壶 中国,清代,约1700-1800 这十八世纪的鼻烟壶採用了古代龙纹作装饰,大抵深受其时朝廷达官喜好钻研古代器物的复古风气影响所致。 玻璃,浮雕Creator: Unknown
Date: 1700-1800, Qing dynasty
Copyright: Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives
Object ID:N4759
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