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Some Who Have Made Bristol Famous

Ernest Board painting


Oil painting, by Ernest Board, Some Who Have Made Bristol Famous , 1930.This painting was presented to the Bristol Museums and Art Gallery in 1930. It is a fictional painting of a symbolic gathering of men and women, whose lives span nearly 800 years. They are people who have been important to the city of Bristol. The selection concentrates on early explorers, people known for their charity, and worthy Victorians.Not included in the painting is the great engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) who designed the Suspension Bridge and brought the Great Western Railway to Bristol. The group of people stands in front of Temple Gate, once part of the defences of the city but demolished in the early 19th-century. Golden shipmodels perch on top of columns and Bristol Biplanes fly in the sky. The arms of the city is at the top.

Creator: Ernest Board

Date: 1930

Copyright: Copyright BCC Museum

Object ID:K917

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